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Herbal Pain Relief Oil - 100ml

Price: 150.00

₹ 16.98 Tax

In Stock

It is made from the naturally gifted herbals and prepared in a hygenic manner.
  • Nochi (Vitex)
  • Clerodendron phlomoides (ThaluThalai)
  • Virali (Dodonea angustifolia)
  • Datura alba (Oomathai)
  • Neem Oil
  • Pirandai (Veldt Grape)
  • Baloon Vine (Mudakathan)
  • Garlic
  • GInger
  • Tree (Vellai Erukkam Poo)
Pain Oil gives remedy to neck pain, knee pain, hip pain, hemiplegia and heel pain. It can also be used for regular body massage. It can be used for any kind of external pains and it gives immediate remedy.

Way to use:
  1. Take the needed amount of Oil and heat the same slightly.
  2. After that apply the same wherever required and give a massage for a minute.
  3. If the pain is high, after appying this oil give massage with "Herbal Mudichu" (See the product Catalog for this product)
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