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Hair Oil - 100ml

Price: 160.00

₹ 26.42 Tax

In Stock


  1. Bhringraj (Karisalanganni) 
  2. Phyla nodiflora (Podu thalai)
  3. Neeli
  4. Casia Ariculatta (Avaram Poo)
  5. Rose
  6. Hibiscus
  7. Sweet Basil
  8. Coconut Oil
  9. Magilam Poo

Reduces Heat from our body, Eye irritation. Controls hair fall and dandruff. Controls white hairs in younger age. It gives remedy to eye sight problems when used in long term. 

Way to use:
  1. Apply this early morning immediately after getting up from bed and give a gentle massage
  2. You can save the oil, if you apply this at the "Roots of the hair"
  3. Weekly once, take Oil Bath by appying to the entire Body
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